Do you see something wrong with this picture? or how about this one?

Look again...most I'm sure would notice right away the bottle sitting outside the basket and the pile of items on the counter not inside the basket. I've had this relentless battle of getting my husband to put things into containers. For some reason he thinks he needs to create a spread across my counters. I had a nice place to put everything on a different counter right inside the kitchen door, but someone refuses to use that and continually placed all his "things" on the bar counter. So, trying to at least make it look neat, I placed this basket on the bar for him to use. Would you believe, he continued to put these item on the counter. Everytime I'd walk by, I'd pick up and put them all in the basket. Hmmm...why is this such a hard concept for a guy who is a neat freak to begin with. Anyways, the other day I go to use my coffee supplies and that bottle up above is sitting outside the basket just like pictured. I ask him why is it any more effort to put the bottle in the basket as opposed to sitting it next to it. Then, I proceeded to complain about the other counter as well. I think maybe it's some kind of delayed rebellion. I don't know! gets funny now. I walked out of the room and when I came back, he had taken all the items in the basket and lined up the whole entire bar counter with them. I stopped, said, "Really" and he started to laugh. Gottcha! Well, I think he got my point and today the things ARE sitting in the basket. I tried to take a picture and threatened to post on the blog but he quickly gathered them all back up before I could snap the picture. I wonder how long this will last.
Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8
That is WAY too funny girl!!!!!!