Had a great start to our first day of summer break. Beki and I had a class out at Creve Couer Camera store for our first class in digital cameras. This was a freebe for buying a new camera. We already new a lot they discussed, but I got a couple questions answered and some of the info was helpful. We then stopped at the park on our way home to try out a few things. I'm trying to learn how to use this 50 mm lens I bought. In the sun, I seem to get way overexposed pictures. Learning how to make adjustments so that I can still use flash and not washout the pictures. We just went out and had fun snapping pictures.

I absolutely love this one of Beki. She is very excited about her photography and asked if she could take the classes with me. I'm thinking...one of us is gonna have to get a JOB! ;o)
haha, don't look at me... your the oldest!!