Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thankful for the Music

We think we have found a church finally.  It'll be nice to get plugged back in, start meeting some people out in this area.  I loved the music.  Their band included a violinist, which just adds a beautiful touch.  It reminded me how much I love the sound of strings...maybe I'll dust off my violin.  I miss the days when all us girls were playing, when our home was constantly filled with music.  Ari has started playing Viola again and has joined an orchestra at school. I hope to see one of their concerts this Spring.
Joy Dare
39.  Cozy fireplaces.
40.  Flickering candle light.
 41-43.  Three Gifts found in Christ, Love, Sacrifice, Mercy
44.  Peppermint mochas.
45.  Sleeping kitty curled up in my lap.
46.  Sweet violin music.

 47.  Reminders of what once was.

48.  My camera.
49.  Afternoon with a friend.
50.  All the beautiful women in my life.
51.  Rainbows...saw one out the back window this morning!
And, no, this was not my view, though wish it were!  lol!

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