Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heading Home

On the second leg of my little get-away, I went HOME.  You know, the place that no matter how long you're gone or how far away you are, it's always HOME.  I drove up from Kentucky to Ohio.  I took my time, even took a little side trip through some countryside.  I couldn't believe I saw two eagles.  The one was sitting in a field and as I slowed down, it flew up into the trees. 
 I spent a couple days at my in-laws.  Here I rested, watched the falling snow and the birds, enjoyed the company of my second mom.  Then I went to stay with mom.

We enjoyed just being together, antique shopping, going to lunch, and a movie with my sisters where we laughed until we cried.  We discovered a few new antique shops downtown where I bought a vintage camera.
We had dinner with a few of my aunts and cousins and I spent the day with my Aunt Bonnie where we talked photography for hours.  Her 4 year old granddaughter played model for us...what a cutie.  Spent the day with my newest nephew and fell in love, He's the sweetest little guy I know.

Before I knew it, it was time to head home, but I really was ready.  I'd been blessed by all the beautiful women in my life...loved on, listened to, hugged.  They filled up my empty cup and reminded me that I'm not alone even though I'm far away.  Thank you all for a great trip!



  1. So glad you had such a "refilling" time! Miss you my beautiful friend...

  2. Caught up :) I'm so glad you guys found a church! Huge!!! (Wondering if it's the rock one? Heard so many good things about it.) OK, you've convinced me and I purchased that book this morning when I saw it on Vessels for a steal :) I need a bit more focus on the has been so crazy as of late and I have a niggling feeling we are about to get orders for a place I do not want to I need to keep my eyes up and focused! Love you're such an encouragement!!!
