Monday, April 12, 2010

Tulips were at their peak.

It was definitely Spring at the Botanical Gardens this weekend. John and I headed out Saturday. Beki was with her missions group doing a project preparing for their trip to Mexico this summer. So, John and I had the day to ourselves to just take our time. We headed over to The Hill for a great lunch at Zia's. The place looks great after their renovations due to a fire.


  1. These are GORGEOUS Aimee! That last one reminds me of Monet's, Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies.

  2. Linda J. HartbargerApril 14, 2010 at 7:43 AM

    How beautiful are these flowers>????? The shot of tulips with the reflections is awesome. It is so special seeing the beauty through the eyes of my daughter! Keep them coming.
