Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Sight-seeing

John and I spent a couple days last weekend walking different parts of the city. It was a gorgeous, blue-sky day. After a wonderful lunch downtown, we went to see the Water Tower Park and the Arch. After a long stair climb up the tower, I lost count of how many steps, we were able to see the whole city 360 degrees. Incredible views! John says it was over 190 steps.

It was a perfect day to capture pictures of the Arch. Wish I could show you them all on here, but I've picked a handful of my best to share. We walked around the lake and on the way, ran into a pair of geese. The female was nesting and the male was a little overprotective. He decided John had gotten just a little too close for comfort and came chasing after him. In the process of getting away, John took a little tumble, head-over-heels, as he tripped on a hole. Needless to say, the goose got his way and we moved on.

Daddy goose chasing John away!
Momma goose protecting the nest.

We then headed across the river to see Geyser Park, where a 400 ft. geyser is set off several times a day. We met a beautiful pair of swans gracefully swimming and letting me take their picture. We also had a fantastic view of the Arch and downtown from this side.

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