Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Big Move

In September, my husband and I decided to that he should try for a job in the overseas.  It was a huge step of faith for me.  I was never comfortable with the idea of moving overseas, however, with our children grown and moved out, I've had a shift in my opinion.  So, he applied, interviewed, and in November we found out that he got the job!  It's exciting beyond words.  I've been a mix of emotions...scared, anxious, excited.  But, I'm seeing this as a wonderful adventure for us.  It's time for me to stretch a little, well, a lot!  We will begin the process of preparing to move soon.  The next few months will be a whirlwind.  We've researched a little for housing, but won't really know what to expect until we get there.  But looking has been fun...making it seem more and more real.

We've started getting the kitties ready for travel...microchipped and vaccinated.  Now, hopefully that health certificate will come through completed correctly and on time!  I've been pretty stressed about all of this working out.  I do not want to have them quarantined...ugh!  Frosty will be going to live with Beki and her three kitties.  I'm praying he fits right in.  My biggest regret is that with his age, 16, I may not see him again and that just makes me want to cry. 



Our girls are excited for us, well, at least very excited about coming to visit us.  I have mixed feelings about leaving them.  I know they are adults, but I still worry about them.  Just keep telling myself..."just a phone call away."  I believe God has opened this door for us.  I have no idea what to expect or what our future is going to entail, but I'm trusting Him to continue guiding and directing us.


  1. How exciting. I'm going to keep following to see where you end up Xx

    1. Thanks...and I see you have a new blog started. Good luck!
