Saturday, October 18, 2014

Fall at the Arch

I had a different picture in mind when I went to the Arch.  But, because of all the construction going on, I wasn't able to access the area I wanted.  Disappointed, I turned my focus to other areas and was not disappointed with the results from this little trip.  Autumn is not at its peak yet in St. Louis, but just look at the color already! 

I've been waiting patiently for fall to arrive, just seems to be taking forever this year.  I know that it's inevitable, that it will arrive.  I anticipate it with each passing day...searching the horizon for the colors to change.  Isn't that like life, if we anticipate the change, it won't be a surprise.  It won't catch us off guard if we are searching the horizon, but it may take our breathe away because it's so beautiful.  Some changes are good, some are bad, however, I think it's fair to say that we all face inevitable changes.  Be on the lookout, be expectant.  It's exciting...just anticipating it!