Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Growing Up

Today was, well, one of those melancholy kind of days.  Spring is finally arriving bringing with it some warmer weather, however, today it was rainy and gray.  So, I found myself inside.  My youngest daughter will be moving into her new apartment/loft in a couple of weeks and I'm a mess of emotions...excited for her, sad for me.  I knew this day was coming, but it just seems too soon.  Too soon to not have her a part of our home.  Too soon to say good-bye to the little girl that once was.  I had hoped to squeak out one more summer together.  Today I decided to start packing up the remainder of her belongings, things I know she will want with her.  I stood there in her room desperately wanting to do the impossible...hold onto those little girl days.  My thoughts went to, not so long ago, when she danced through the house and belted out her favorite song.  I miss the sound of her laughter, our daily conversations, and just the life she breathed into my every day.

The season outside is changing as the buds appear and the flowers begin to blossom and once again my life is changing.  My little girls are grown women now, making lives of their own.  Although, today I am sad and I mourn the loss of those simple childhood days, I hope for our future and anticipate the changing relationships.  For I am truly blessed to have them in my life. 

Our lilac buds are just beginning to show...a promise of the beauty to come.

The new Flowering Almonds we are planting out front.

Loved the look this little bluebird gave me!  He made me smile.

This pair of bluebirds come by every few days for a visit.  These little creatures bring such joy!

A little something I picked up in Kimmswick...have a thing for these little nests.  I guess they remind me of Spring and proof that the seasons will change.

1 comment:

  1. Happy sad! Just think of what the years will bring with more and more blessings! a new son in law and grandchildren down the road!
