Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thoughts in the Night

Do you have sleepless nights, too?  Every now and then, I get ready for bed, do all the usual prep, feel tired, but then....nothing.  Last night was one of those nights and after an hour of tossing and turning I gave up trying to fall asleep.  I was long overdue in catching up with a friend so I used that time to fill her in with what's been going on.  I went back to bed.  Sometimes in those dark hours of the night, thoughts come.

Sometimes it's about life or my kids.  As I lay there and the world is quiet and there are no distractions from the day, God speaks.

I laid there wondering why it is that faith comes easy for some people and others have to do it the hard way.  Faith has always been a constant in my life.  I never questioned the existence of God or the sacrifice of His perfect love.

Why do some people seem to wear blinders when it comes to faith.  There's an easier way, but they choose to do it their way.  I hope when they look back that they see that the harder path they chose only brought them back to where He wanted them to begin with. I wish I had the power to prevent them from making those choices, to prevent the pain, emptiness, dissatisfaction that comes from a life without God, but I was reminded that we all have free will, that is the great gift He gave us all.  We can choose our path.  He wants us to SEE on our own, to choose Him, to choose JOY.  The path to our Creator is the path to our joy in life and I've learned there are many different paths.  The promise is...He will make good out of even the hard ones we choose.  

laid there for a while longer, kitty curled up under my chin, and turned my concerns over to my Father and, finally, drifted off to sleep.

            You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.                 
Psalm 16:11 and Acts 2:28
Notice this one was worth repeating 

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