Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Perfect Love

There is no other love more perfect than that of God's love.  In a month of showing love, it's important to remember that God is Love.  For without Him, there would be no love.  His love endures, bringing with it peace and joy.  Just look around at the world He has given us, the gifts that surround us.  And it's easy to see Him...the creator in it all.  I can never understand those that say there is no God.  The universe itself declares the existence of a creator.  We must only have eyes to SEE and a heart willing to BELIEVE.  In Him we find our TRUE LOVE!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    His love endures forever.     Psalm 106:1

Joy Dare

54.  Holding hands.
55. Coconut cream pie.
56.  Warm breeze blowing on the deck.
Three gifts in working:  
57.  My husband for making the sacrifice and making the money.
58.  Cherry pie.

 59.  God working in the lives of my grown kids--He will never let go.

60.  The first sign of Spring--baby buds!
 Well, we aren't quite to the flowering stage yet, but we do have the beginning of buds showing up on the trees and shrubs.  I can't wait for the warmth and the color.

63.  Velvety soft roses.

Three things blue:
64.  Blue sky.
65.  Blue birds.
66.  My blue coffee mug given to me by a friend.

Three ways I feel God's Love
67.  The warm sun shining on my face and another day to thank Him.
68.  Promises and reminders whispered in my heart at just the right time when I need it.
69.  As I count my gifts, His love speaks,

"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."  Jeremiah 31:3

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