Saturday, December 15, 2012

Going Fake

Christmas trees...those beautiful, wonderful smelling, green things we bring into our homes every year and decorate with sparkly lights and glittery ornaments.  Ours usually gets picked out the day or so after Thanksgiving and stays put until the branches are stiff and half the needles have gone missing!  For many years, my hubby has tried talking us girls into a fake tree.  Oh, you know...
less mess, 
no clean up, 
won't die, 
save money
...the list goes on.  Traditions are hard to break, so we've stood our ground and not given in.  Well, with both girls gone this year, I lost the battle and gave into the fake tree.  Then came home and cried over the fact that 46 years of tradition just flew out the window.
 The week before everyone was coming home for Thanksgiving, I wanted to have the decorations all up and the tree decorated.  Our first Christmas hauling up the huge box of Christmas tree "parts."  We got it together and I unfolded all the branches, still pouting about the fact there was no pine smell filling the house and threatening to take it down, pack it back up, and take it back.  I put the garland and the lights on and waited for Beki to get home to help tradition I didn't have the heart to break.  It's together, it's beautiful and I can, honestly say, it's kind of grown on me the past couple of weeks.  It actually, almost looks real.  But just in spite...I might leave it up until Valentine's Day!!!  HeeHee!

I played Santa Claus and traveled 3 hours to see Ari and deliver their Christmas presents since they won't be home this year.  While I was there she said she had to give me part of my present so she could explain.  She handed me a small tissue wrapped gift.  Inside were a couple green candles.  I could smell the pine needles before she had the chance to say, "Do you know what it is?"  She knew how disappointed I was and bought me pine scented candles to burn so I could still enjoy my fake Christmas tree. 

1 comment:

  1. Your bro went fake too...but i bought a pine scented
