Monday, September 17, 2012

Metro Lofts

This is our corporate aparment down in the Central West End district.  The other night we stepped out onto the street heading to dinner and there was an incredible sunset.  I ran all the way up three flights of steps to get the camera because, of course, I didn't bring it with me this time...lesson learned!  Anyways, in the couple of minutes that I was gone, I missed the peak of the sunset, but here is what was left of it when I got there. 

We are making progress towards closing!  All inspections are cleared and loan commitment is done.  We close on September 24th and move in on the 27th!!  WooHoo!  I am ready to get in and set up, start decorating.  It's been fun living the urban life, but I'm ready to settle in again.  Fall is coming and it's my favorite time of year.

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