Friday, April 27, 2012

Coming to an End

High school is quickly coming to an end.  Beki's last day of school is May 9th with graduation following on May 19th.  We are definitely on countdown.  Today she turned in her final paper.  Prom is this exciting!  She's going to be beautiful in her designer candy apple red gown.  She'll be heading downtown with some friends in limo-style.  We finished up her senior pics last week and will be getting announcements out soon...I hope!  College is around the corner.  She will be attending Missouri State University on scholarship!  She's planning on majoring in Bio-medical sciences.  If she sticks with it, she'll graduate and enter graduate school for a degree as a Physicians Assistant.  We went down this week to visit MSU, did the tour and visited with Ari and Anthony. 

1 comment:

  1. Scholarship, Bio-medical and a PA! You must be so stinkin' proud of her!!! Way to go Beki!

    Cannot wait to finally see this much talked about prom dress :o)

    <3 you girls!!!
