Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day of Blessing

A family very excited for the gift of a new son and brother.
Our dear friends, who have been praying and waiting for their little one from Ethiopia, found out today after 2 long nights of anxious waiting, that they are proud parents of an 18 month old boy.  The courts in Ethiopia approved their adoption yesterday and the news reached them this morning.  This little boy was placed on our friend's heart 1 year ago, when she saw a picture of him posted.  Not thinking there could be any chance of this child being matched to them, she was shocked when a few days later their referral came through last June and it was the same little boy she'd seen in the picture.  Knowing it was meant to be, they have tearfully and patiently waited for paperwork to be completed so that his case could go to the courts. 

It has been a long year, but we all know that it is God's timing and sometimes we must wait for what is best for us.  But, soon little E will be joined together with mom and dad and big brother.  It will take about 6-8 weeks for the US Embassy to finish their part, then they can go get him and finally bring him home. 

They were able to join me today with another friend and her children at the Botanical Gardens where we celebrated with her and her son.  After the gardens, we had to go in honor of little E to an Ethiopian restaurant downtown.  What a truly amazing day.  I enjoyed the company of Alice and her girls again today as we spent time playing with and photographing her beautiful daughters.  I really cannot look at their pictures without smiling and being blessed by their precious smiles. 


  1. Ah Aimee, you have me all drippy eyed! Thank you for being such an amazing friend and keeping me going through this entire process.

    Love you!

  2. What a beautiful story and a beautiful baby too. I'm happy for your friends.
